To get the goods from the list of useful products, you need to earn a certain number of points, which appointed the seller of the goods. Points is credited for surfing the pages os the sites. There's two types of surfing - manual and auto. In manual surfing mode, you earn 1 point for 30-second visit, and the next site is displayed only after the click on the correct answer. In the case of auto-surf. the next site will be displayed immediately after the expiration of browsing time, it is enough just to run the process of surfing, But for autosurf, you earn only 0.5 point for 30-second visit. You are able to change the surfing mode any time you want.
In addition, if you have JetSwap account and a certain amount of points, you are able to purchase this product, using your account with points on it. Please note: JetSwap fee for purchasing goods is 10% ( without comission for transfer points between accounts).
In case of failure or termination of the surfing, you'll get link to continue browsing via E-Mail, ie you don't have to run surfing again. JetSwap service ensures that your E-Mail will not be released and will be removed from the database immediately after surfing and obtaining of goods. If you sure, that surfing could be completed without termination, then you can not to submit your E-mail in the form, but in case of loss of the links you have to start surfing again.
Restoring of terminated surfing is possible within 48 hours by the following link: |