JetSwap Merchant payment processing Service is an intermediary between JetSwap customer's website, and customer's JetSwap account. Service provides customer ability to accept payments for goods and services, sold by customer via Internet, in units of any electronic payment systems, that are integrated with JetSwap service, with instant crediting of funds to the customer's JetSwap account, as well as from the account of another customer in points and money.
The fact of payment using this service, you expresses unconditional acceptance of these rules.
Using service fee
JetSwap Merchant provides members free opportunity for using payment processing service. Using payment processing service is free.
Payment to member's account from account of another member of JetSwap service
Before payments acception, customer is to perform payment processing service configuration by his/her own. Validation of settings is not performing by service, but by customer's own.
Funds credited to JetSwap customer's account immediately after receipt of funds from the payer.
After making the payment, service makes a single attempt to notify customer's website of incoming payement Thus, availability of customer's web-site is not verifying. With this, payer is redirrecting to the successful payement implementation page.
Payments to customer's account from external payment systems
Customer has the opportunity to organize reception of funds from external payment systems, that are currently integrated with the service.
For this, customer must pay a collateral in the amount of total available payments sum for payers, for two calendar weeks. In case of payer will deposit account via external payment system, part of the collateral equal to the amount of payment will be frozen for two weeks. Unfrozen part of the collateral may be withdrawn to the customers's JetSwap account at any time. After two weeks, in the absence of user complaints, collateral will be unfrozen and can be reused or withdrawn at the customer's JetSwap account. In case of the fall of the total pledge below $ 10, possibility of payment to the customer's account from external payment systems is not available.
Payments on the user's account in credit
The system provides the ability to accept funds in credit. Credit may be issued to certified WebMoney customers for 30 days. For this, customer must pay a collateral in the amount of total available payments sum for total deposit for credited payers, for 30 calendar days. In the case of a loan for buyer from external payment system, part of the collateral equal to the amount of payment will be frozen until payment of the loan. Unfrozen part of the collateral may be withdrawn to the customers's JetSwap account at any time. After 30 days, in the absence of user complaints, collateral will be unfrozen and can be reused or withdrawn at the customer's JetSwap account. In case of the fall of the total pledge below $ 10, possibility of reception funds in credit, is not avialable.
Settlement of Disputes between the payer and the user.
If, within two weeks from the date of payment by the payer will be filed a claim on the quality of goods or services received, the complaint will be reviewed with the participation of three parties: payer, customer, service administrator. In case of a new complaint, the customer is sent a notification via E-Mail.
Requirements for payer and customer:
- Taking part in the discussion at least once in 48 hours.
- Providing of any information and performing of any action by service administrator's request.
- Respect for each other and service administrator.
Participant of the conflict, refused to meet at least one of these requirements are automatically recognized as a loser.
After considering all of the data, provided by participants, administrator makes a decision. Decision of administrator is final and and unappealable. The administrator can reject the complaints of users, or grant it, to make restitution of funds paid to the user's account, which he must register in JetSwap service before restitution.
Feedbacks about quality
Payer has the opportunity to give a feedback on the quality of services provided. Prohibited any kind of cheating data entries, in this case, your account may be deleted.
It is strictly prohibited:
Using service for reception of funds as payment for services or goods that are prohibited by applicable law, as well as sites that violate existing laws / copyrights or relating to the following categories: porn / erotica, intimacy services, sex shops, all types of investment funds, HYIP , pyramids, etc. Also prohibited sending spam in any of its kind involving.
Penalties for violations of this agreement.
In case of violation of any provision of this agreement, administrator has the discretion to refuse of using the service with placing violator's resource URL to blacklist, impose a fine in JetSwap points or funds, as well as delete customer's account. In case of deleting account, any funds on it are non-refundable. Administrator's decision is final and unappealable.